All information sent or received while in our site is encrypted using the highest recommended encryption settings (currently RSA 2048-bit).This encryption will help maintain the confidentially of all information sent to or received from an application within the Provider Suite site. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana requires that each user of iLinkBlue have a login ID and password to access our applications. This login ID is assigned by our security department and is used to authenticate the person accessing our system. Access to each application is granted using this login ID. A login ID does not guarantee that a user will have access to all applications. Users must, at all times, respect the confidentiality of all member information or data that is sent or received in the use of our iLinkBlue portal application. In addition, users are obligated to protect their login ID and password. Under no condition should you reveal your login ID and password to anyone nor should you allow anyone to access applications while you are logged into the system.
Rev. 12/13